Lucario Maniac
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Post by Marchbaby on Aug 4, 2022 14:19:27 GMT 11
What's this?! It appears an egg has been found! Please decide whether to incubate or take with you on your journey.Fletchling Egg [img src=""] Fletchling Egg #1 Status: 0/4000 words
Post by Caramell 🍬 on Aug 8, 2022 3:47:30 GMT 11
Ishi is pulled out of the daycare and returned back to Zaiden's PC. Ishi gained +0 levels for 3 days. Moai is pulled out of the daycare and returned back to Zaiden's PC. Moai gained +0 levels for 3 days. Adding Koneka the Alolan Meowth & Kogi the Yamper to the Daycare!
Glad to be back even if I have a decent amount to catch up on.
Posts: 2,816
Post by antonius on Aug 9, 2022 15:10:10 GMT 11
What's this?! It appears an egg has been found! Please decide whether to incubate or take with you on your journey.Geodude Egg [img src=""] [b]Geodude Egg 1[/b] Inherited Moves: Move Block[sup]EM[/sup], Harden Inherited Ball: None Status: 0/2000 words
Post by Caramell 🍬 on Aug 15, 2022 2:26:37 GMT 11
Koneka is pulled out of the daycare and returned back to Zaiden's PC. Koneka gained +3 levels for 1 week. Koneka increased to Level 12. Koneka forgot Scratch and learned Payday! Kogi is pulled out of the daycare and returned back to Zaiden's PC. Kogi gained +2 levels for 1 week. Kogi increased to Level 18. Adding Ūrua the Wooloo & Gesshi the Rattata to the Daycare!
Cap Queen
Posts: 29,672
Post by Tarlar on Aug 16, 2022 8:06:28 GMT 11
What's this?! It appears that eggs has been found! Please decide whether to incubate or take with you on your journey.Meowth Eggs [img src=""] [b]Meowth Egg #1[/b] Inherited Moves: Tail Whip[sup]EM[/sup] Inherited Ball: None Status: 0/2000 words
[img src=""] [b]Alolan Meowth Egg 1[/b] Inherited Moves: N/A Inherited Ball: None Status: 0/2000 words
Alolan: cUnbhF121-1001-100(ooc: I can't see Tail whip under Alolan meowth's current egg move pool, it was the last gen's though. You should get your meowth up a few levels and you could give the eggs Bite as a "both parents knows this move" ) 1-100·1-100
Post by Caramell 🍬 on Aug 22, 2022 1:55:14 GMT 11
Ūrua is pulled out of the daycare and returned back to Zaiden's PC. Ūrua gained +3 levels for 1 week. Ūrua increased to Level 4. Ūrua learned Defense Curl! Gesshi is pulled out of the daycare and returned back to Zaiden's PC. Gesshi gained +3 levels for 1 week. Gesshi increased to Level 8. Gesshi learned Focus Energy! Adding Kotaro the Thievul & Kishimu the Patrat to the Daycare!
Cap Queen
Posts: 29,672
Post by Tarlar on Aug 23, 2022 8:01:40 GMT 11
What's this?! It appears that eggs has been found! Please decide whether to incubate or take with you on your journey.Wooloo Eggs [img src=""] [b]Wooloo Egg #1[/b] Inherited Moves: Stomp[sup]EM[/sup] Inherited Ball: None Status: 0/2000 words
[img src=""] [b]Wooloo Egg #2[/b] Inherited Moves: Stomp[sup]EM[/sup] Inherited Ball: None Status: 0/2000 words
Post by Caramell 🍬 on Aug 29, 2022 2:14:51 GMT 11
Kotaro is pulled out of the daycare and returned back to Mishu's Party. Kotaro gained +1 level for 1 week. Kotaro increased to Level 23. Kishimu is pulled out of the daycare and returned back to Zaiden's PC. Kishimu gained +3 levels for 1 week. Kishimu increased to Level 8. Kishimu learned Bite and Bide! Adding Sassozai the Yungoos & Tsume the Houndour to the Daycare!
Post by Caramell 🍬 on Sept 5, 2022 2:10:18 GMT 11
Sassozai is pulled out of the daycare and returned back to Zaiden's Party. Sassozai gained +3 levels for 1 week. Sassozai increased to Level 11. Sassozai learned Sand Attack! Tsume is pulled out of the daycare and returned back to Zaiden's PC. Tsume gained +3 levels for 1 week. Tsume increased to Level 4. Tsume does not learn Howl. Adding Chicory the Rhyhorn & Haiena the Poochyena to the Daycare!
Cap Queen
Posts: 29,672
Post by Tarlar on Sept 6, 2022 3:58:20 GMT 11
What's this?! It appears that eggs has been found! Please decide whether to incubate or take with you on your journey.Yungoos Eggs [img src=""] [b]Yungoos Egg #1[/b] Inherited Moves: Fire Fang[sup]EM[/sup Inherited Ball: Great Ball Status: 0/2000 words
[img src=""] [b]Yungoos Egg #2[/b] Inherited Moves: Fire Fang[sup]EM[/sup Inherited Ball: Great Ball Status: 0/2000 words
Post by Caramell 🍬 on Sept 12, 2022 2:43:51 GMT 11
Chicory is pulled out of the daycare and returned back to Zaiden's Party. Chicory gained +3 levels for 1 week. Chicory increased to Level 4. Haiena is pulled out of the daycare and returned back to Zaiden's PC. Haiena gained +3 levels for 1 week. Haiena increased to Level 16. Haiena does not learn Roar. Adding Doriru the Pikipek & Henshin the Ditto to the Daycare! Almost messed up again but wanted Ditto in there, and less than a few minutes for the edit. Should be ok?
Cap Queen
Posts: 29,672
Post by Tarlar on Sept 13, 2022 5:06:01 GMT 11
What's this?! It appears that eggs has been found! Please decide whether to incubate or take with you on your journey.Poochyena Eggs [img src=""] [b]Poochyena Egg #1[/b] Inherited Moves: Ice Fang[sup]EM[/sup Inherited Ball: Quick Ball Status: 0/2000 words
[img src=""] [b]Poochyena Egg #2[/b] Inherited Moves: Ice Fang[sup]EM[/sup Inherited Ball: Quick Ball Status: 0/2000 words
(ooc: no problem editing with that little difference no. Several hours or more would be a problem. Also a bit confusing when you didn't update the sprites of the pokemon leaving )
Post by Caramell 🍬 on Sept 19, 2022 3:43:10 GMT 11
Doriru is pulled out of the daycare and returned back to Zaiden's Party. Doriru gained +2 levels for 1 week. Doriru increased to Level 15. Doriru forgets Peck and learns Pluck! Doriru evolves into Trumbeak! Special note. Pikipek learns Pluck at level 15, verses Trumbeak learning it at level 16. This is why Doriru learned it so early. Henshin is pulled out of the daycare and returned back to Zaiden's PC. Henshin gained +1 level for 1 week. Henshin increased to Level 25. Adding Tsusagi the Buneary & Tanken the Alolan Meowth to the Daycare!
Cap Queen
Posts: 29,672
Post by Tarlar on Sept 20, 2022 6:51:03 GMT 11
What's this?! It appears that eggs has been found! Please decide whether to incubate or take with you on your journey.Pikipek Eggs [img src=""] [b]Pikipek Egg #1[/b] Inherited Moves: Tailwind[sup]EM[/sup Inherited Ball: N/A Status: 0/2000 words
[img src=""] [b]Pikipek Egg #2[/b] Inherited Moves: Tailwind[sup]EM[/sup Inherited Ball: N/A Status: 0/2000 words
Post by Caramell 🍬 on Oct 10, 2022 7:28:13 GMT 11
Tanken is pulled out of the daycare and returned back to Mishu's PC. Tanken gained +4 levels for 2 weeks. Tanken increased to Level 14. Tanken forgets Scratch and learns Pay Day! Tsusagi is pulled out of the daycare and returned back to Zaiden's PC. Tsusagi gained +4 level for 2 weeks. Tsusagi increased to Level 14. Tsusagi forgets Splash and learns After You! Adding Wee Lass the Poochyena & Tsume the Houndour to the Daycare!