Post by Tiki on Sept 16, 2013 5:18:57 GMT 11
Box Pokémon:
Name: [Choose]
Gender: [Choose]
Level: 15
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Attacks: Covet, Rock Smash, Baby-Doll Eyes, Metal Claw
Ability: Mold Breaker OR Own Tempo
Nature/Personality: [Choose]
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 18
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Stun Spore, Mega Drain, Mud Shot, Supersonic
Ability: Mycelium Might
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 18
OT: Penelope Reed
Moves: Knock Off, Razor Leaf, Screech, Growl
Ability: Overgrow
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: [Name]
Gender: Female
Level: 12
OT: Adrian Hartt
Moves: Belly Drum EM, Charm, Slam, Water Gun
Ability: Huge Power
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Igglybuff #1
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 1
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Sing, Pound, Copycat,
Ability: Cute Charm or Competitive
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Igglybuff #2
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 1
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Sing, Pound, Copycat,
Ability: Cute Charm or Competitive
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: [choose]
Gender: Female
Level: 32
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Crunch, Aqua Jet, Scary Face, Soak
Ability: Swift Swim or Adaptability
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 1
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Ember, Tail Whip
Ability: Flash Fire
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 1
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Ember, Tail Whip
Ability: Flash Fire
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 1
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Tackle, Growl, WishEM
Ability: Own Tempo
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 1
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Super Fang EM, Thunder Shock, Tail Whip
Ability: Hunger Switch
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: Gabriel
Gender: Male
Level: 12
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Charm, Pound, Life Dew, Sweet Kiss
Ability: Serene Grace
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 15
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Helping Hand, Spark, Encore, Swithceroo
Ability: Minus
Nature/Personality: [Choose]
Name: Bijou
Gender: Genderless
Level: 26
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Attacks: Smack Down, Reflect, Rock BlastTM, Stealth Rock
Ability: Clear Body
Nature/Personality: Bold
Happiness: +9
EXP: 1999/2107
Item: None
Hisuan Liligant
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 32
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Petal Dance, Teeter Dance, Magical Leaf, Growth
Ability: Chlorophyll
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: Alvaro
Gender: Male
Level: 30
OT: Ashton Reid
Attacks: Psycho CutTM, Leaf Blade, Night Slash, Sacred Sword
Ability: Sharpness
Nature/Personality: Adamant
Happiness: +10
Item: None
EXP: 912/2791
Name: Barbie & Ken
Gender: N/A
Level: 5
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Baby-Doll Eyes, Pound, Echoed Voice
Ability: Pickup
Nature/Personality: Jolly
Name: Titania
Gender: Female
Level: 31
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Magical Leaf, PsychicTM, Life Dew, Dazzling Gleam
Ability: Synchronize
Nature/Personality: Quiet
Happiness: +14
EXP: 1284/2977
Item: Soothe Bell
Galarian Ponyta
Name: Althea
Gender: Female
Level: 10
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Confusion
Ability: Pastel Veil
Nature/Personality: Jolly
Happiness: +1
Item: None
Name: [choose]
Gender: Genderless
Level: 26
OT: Ethan Liam Bentley
Moves: Transform
Ability: Limber
Nature/Personality: [choose]
EXP: 849/1951
Name: Pumpernickel
Gender: Male
Level: 18
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Covet, Bite, Baby-Doll Eyes, Play Rough
Ability: Own Tempo
Nature/Personality: Impish
Name: [Choose]
Gender: [Choose]
Level: 10
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: tackle, Growl, Razor Leaf, Poison Powder
Ability: Overgrow
Nature/Personality: [Choose]
Name: Pan
Gender: Male
Level: 7
OT: Leilani Keoloha
Moves: Moonblast, Leech Seed, Energy Ball, Cotton Guard
Ability: Prankster
Nature/Personality: Timid
Happiness: +1
Name: Candycane
Level: 7
OT: Ivan Harthaway
Attacks: Scratch, Defense Curl, Quick Attack, CutHM
Ability:Keen Eye
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 11
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Fury Cutter, Sand Attack, Withdraw, Smack Down
Ability: Sturdy or Shell Armor
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: Cappy
Gender: Female
Level: 16
OT: Marchbaby Wolfgang
Moves: Mega Drain, Leech Seed, Stun Spore, Headbutt
Ability: Effect Spore
Nature/Personality: Adamant, a tough Shroomish who tries her best to defend her friends. She dreams of the day that she becomes strong enough to achieve those goals without being a pushover like she currently is.
Name: Blink
Gender: Male
Level: 01
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Attacks: Absorb, Astonish
Ability: Effect Spore
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Happiness: 0
Item: N/A
Name: Lana
Gender: Female
Level: 20
OT: Dedenne
Attacks: Charm, Charge, Parabolic Charge, ThunderboltTM
Ability: Cheek Pouch
Nature/Personality: Naive
Happiness: +2
Name: Adonis
Gender: Male
Level: 17
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Attacks: Gyro Ball, Disarming Voice, Play Rough, Hyper Voice
Ability: Competitive
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Happiness: 0
Item: N/A
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 10
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Smokescreen, Tackle, BlockEM, Smack Down
Ability: Steam Engine OR Heatproof
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 10
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Astonish, Withdraw, Aromatic Mist, RestTM
Ability: Weak Armor
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 15
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Gust, Confusion, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore
Ability: Compound Eyes
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: Meli
Gender: Female
Level: 25
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Attacks: Silver Wind, Draining Kiss, Stun Spore, Pollen Puff
Ability: Shield Dust
Nature/Personality: Timid
Happiness: +2
EXP: 500/1951
Name: Raisa
Gender: Female
Level: 21
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Attacks: Wish, Petal Dance, Moonblast, Aromatherapy
Ability: Flower Veil
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Happiness: +1
Name: Roxy
Gender: Female
Level: 8
Moves: Bite, Charm, Tail Whip, Scary Face
Ability: Intimidate [choose]
Nature/Personality: Adamant [choose]
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 12
Moves: Mud Bomb, Water Pulse, Harden, Mud Sport
Ability: Sticky Hold or Storm Drain
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: [choose]
Gender: Female
Level: 11
Moves: Moonlight, Moonblast, Meteor Mash, Cosmic Power
Ability: Magic Guard
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Happiness: +5
Tree Topper Staryu
Name: [choose]
Gender: None
Level: 10
Attacks: Water Gun, Rapid Spin, Recover, Magic Coat
Ability: Illuminate OR Natural Cure
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Other: ZapdosZulu Christmas Event 2016
Red Nosed Deerling
Name: Garnet
Gender: Male
Level: 10
Attacks: Tackle, Camouflage, Double Kick, Natural Gift
Ability: Sap Sipper
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Other: ZapdosZulu Christmas Event 2016
Name: [choose]
Gender: Male or Female
Level: 10
Attacks: Tackle, Leer , Smokescreen, Ember
Ability: Blaze
Nature: [choose]
Name: Kenna
Gender: Female
Level: 28
OT: Joey Johnson
Attacks: Extrasensory, Will-O-Wisp, Safeguard, Flamethrower
Ability: Flash Fire
Nature/Personality: Modest
EXP: 2024 / 2437
Happiness: +0
Name: Melody
Gender: Female
Level: 5
Attacks: Pound, Growl, Psyshock, Refresh
Ability: Healer
Nature/Personality: Quiet
OT: Warren Lockwood
Name: [choose]
Gender: [Male/Female]
Level: 10
Attacks: Fake Tears, Tackle, Fairy Wind, Play Nice
Ability: Sweet Veil
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: Brio
Gender: Male
Level: 8
Moves: Peck, Growl
Ability: Keen Eye
Nature/Personality: Timid
Name: Abel
Gender: Male
Level: 5
Attacks: Pound, Growl, Bubble
Ability: Torrent
Nature/Personality: Timid
Name: Coco Chanel
Gender: Female
Level: 10
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Attacks: Sweet Scent, Fairy Wind, Sweet Kiss, Odour Sleuth
Ability: Healer
Nature/Personality: Bold
Name: Cari
Gender: Female
Level: 9
OT: Dorthea Lund
Moves: Bubble, Tail Whip, Water Sport, Water Gun
Ability: Huge Power
Nature/Personality: Adamant
Name: Luca
Gender: Male
Level: 13
Attacks: Thundershock, Spark, Air Slash, Charge
Ability: Static
Nature/Personality: Hasty
Other: ZapdosZulu Easter Event 2015
Happiness: +2
Name: Jasmine
Gender: Female
Level: 14
Attacks: Poison Powder, Sleep Powder, Leech Seed, Vine Whip
Ability: Overgrow
Nature/Personality: Gentle
Happiness: +1
Name: [choose]
Gender: [Male/Female]
Level: 1
OT: Sharada Sewell
Moves: Tackle, Water GunEM
Ability: Swift Swim
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: Faylinn
Level: 13
Gender: Female
Attacks: Tackle, String Shot, Gust, Absorb
Ability: Swarm
Nature/Personality: Modest
Name: Marie
Gender: Female
Level: 8
OT: Remi Westbrook
Attacks: Fake Out, Growl, Tackle, Attract
Ability: Cute Charm
Nature/Personality: Jolly
Name: Annabelle
Gender: Female
Level: 10
OT: School Boy Jimmy
Attacks: Astonish, Wrap, Growl
Ability: Levitate
Nature/Personality: Timid
Name: Breezy
Gender: Female
Level: 1
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Attacks: Absorb, Fairy Wind
Ability: Prankster
Nature/Personality: Timid
Name: Ashling
Gender: Female
Level: 5
Attacks: Tackle, Growl
Ability: Big Pecks
Nature/Personality: Naive
Name: Shea
Gender: Female
Level: 5
Attacks: Tackle, String Shot
Ability: Compoundeyes
Nature/Personality: Timid
Name: [Choose]
Gender: [Choose]
Level: 7
Attacks: Bubble, Smokescreen, Dragon Rage
Ability: Swift Swim or Sniper [Choose]
Nature/Personality: [Choose]
Cardinal Pidgey
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 10
Attacks: Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Air Cutter
Ability: Keen Eye OR Tangled Feet
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Other: ZapdosZulu Christmas Event 2016
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 10
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Scratch, Leer, Water Gun, Rage
Ability: Torrent
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Happiness: 0
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 18
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Swift, Switcheroo, Encore, Spark
Ability: Plus
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Misdreavus Egg
Inherited Moves: Sucker PunchEM, Astonish
Inherited Ball: N/A
Status: 8000+/8,000 words
Link to all the words
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 1
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: X-Scissor, False Swipe, Leer, Quick Attack
Ability: Swarm or Technician
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: [Choose]
Gender: [Choose]
Level: 15
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Attacks: Covet, Rock Smash, Baby-Doll Eyes, Metal Claw
Ability: Mold Breaker OR Own Tempo
Nature/Personality: [Choose]
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 18
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Stun Spore, Mega Drain, Mud Shot, Supersonic
Ability: Mycelium Might
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 18
OT: Penelope Reed
Moves: Knock Off, Razor Leaf, Screech, Growl
Ability: Overgrow
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: [Name]
Gender: Female
Level: 12
OT: Adrian Hartt
Moves: Belly Drum EM, Charm, Slam, Water Gun
Ability: Huge Power
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Igglybuff #1
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 1
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Sing, Pound, Copycat,
Ability: Cute Charm or Competitive
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Igglybuff #2
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 1
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Sing, Pound, Copycat,
Ability: Cute Charm or Competitive
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: [choose]
Gender: Female
Level: 32
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Crunch, Aqua Jet, Scary Face, Soak
Ability: Swift Swim or Adaptability
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 1
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Ember, Tail Whip
Ability: Flash Fire
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 1
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Ember, Tail Whip
Ability: Flash Fire
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 1
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Tackle, Growl, WishEM
Ability: Own Tempo
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 1
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Super Fang EM, Thunder Shock, Tail Whip
Ability: Hunger Switch
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: Gabriel
Gender: Male
Level: 12
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Charm, Pound, Life Dew, Sweet Kiss
Ability: Serene Grace
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 15
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Helping Hand, Spark, Encore, Swithceroo
Ability: Minus
Nature/Personality: [Choose]
Name: Bijou
Gender: Genderless
Level: 26
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Attacks: Smack Down, Reflect, Rock BlastTM, Stealth Rock
Ability: Clear Body
Nature/Personality: Bold
Happiness: +9
EXP: 1999/2107
Item: None
Hisuan Liligant
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 32
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Petal Dance, Teeter Dance, Magical Leaf, Growth
Ability: Chlorophyll
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: Alvaro
Gender: Male
Level: 30
OT: Ashton Reid
Attacks: Psycho CutTM, Leaf Blade, Night Slash, Sacred Sword
Ability: Sharpness
Nature/Personality: Adamant
Happiness: +10
Item: None
EXP: 912/2791
Name: Barbie & Ken
Gender: N/A
Level: 5
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Baby-Doll Eyes, Pound, Echoed Voice
Ability: Pickup
Nature/Personality: Jolly
Name: Titania
Gender: Female
Level: 31
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Magical Leaf, PsychicTM, Life Dew, Dazzling Gleam
Ability: Synchronize
Nature/Personality: Quiet
Happiness: +14
EXP: 1284/2977
Item: Soothe Bell
Galarian Ponyta
Name: Althea
Gender: Female
Level: 10
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Confusion
Ability: Pastel Veil
Nature/Personality: Jolly
Happiness: +1
Item: None
Name: [choose]
Gender: Genderless
Level: 26
OT: Ethan Liam Bentley
Moves: Transform
Ability: Limber
Nature/Personality: [choose]
EXP: 849/1951
Name: Pumpernickel
Gender: Male
Level: 18
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Covet, Bite, Baby-Doll Eyes, Play Rough
Ability: Own Tempo
Nature/Personality: Impish
Name: [Choose]
Gender: [Choose]
Level: 10
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: tackle, Growl, Razor Leaf, Poison Powder
Ability: Overgrow
Nature/Personality: [Choose]
Name: Pan
Gender: Male
Level: 7
OT: Leilani Keoloha
Moves: Moonblast, Leech Seed, Energy Ball, Cotton Guard
Ability: Prankster
Nature/Personality: Timid
Happiness: +1
Name: Candycane
Level: 7
OT: Ivan Harthaway
Attacks: Scratch, Defense Curl, Quick Attack, CutHM
Ability:Keen Eye
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 11
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Fury Cutter, Sand Attack, Withdraw, Smack Down
Ability: Sturdy or Shell Armor
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: Cappy
Gender: Female
Level: 16
OT: Marchbaby Wolfgang
Moves: Mega Drain, Leech Seed, Stun Spore, Headbutt
Ability: Effect Spore
Nature/Personality: Adamant, a tough Shroomish who tries her best to defend her friends. She dreams of the day that she becomes strong enough to achieve those goals without being a pushover like she currently is.
Name: Blink
Gender: Male
Level: 01
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Attacks: Absorb, Astonish
Ability: Effect Spore
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Happiness: 0
Item: N/A
Name: Lana
Gender: Female
Level: 20
OT: Dedenne
Attacks: Charm, Charge, Parabolic Charge, ThunderboltTM
Ability: Cheek Pouch
Nature/Personality: Naive
Happiness: +2
Name: Adonis
Gender: Male
Level: 17
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Attacks: Gyro Ball, Disarming Voice, Play Rough, Hyper Voice
Ability: Competitive
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Happiness: 0
Item: N/A
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 10
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Smokescreen, Tackle, BlockEM, Smack Down
Ability: Steam Engine OR Heatproof
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 10
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Astonish, Withdraw, Aromatic Mist, RestTM
Ability: Weak Armor
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 15
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Gust, Confusion, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore
Ability: Compound Eyes
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: Meli
Gender: Female
Level: 25
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Attacks: Silver Wind, Draining Kiss, Stun Spore, Pollen Puff
Ability: Shield Dust
Nature/Personality: Timid
Happiness: +2
EXP: 500/1951
Name: Raisa
Gender: Female
Level: 21
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Attacks: Wish, Petal Dance, Moonblast, Aromatherapy
Ability: Flower Veil
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Happiness: +1
Name: Roxy
Gender: Female
Level: 8
Moves: Bite, Charm, Tail Whip, Scary Face
Ability: Intimidate [choose]
Nature/Personality: Adamant [choose]
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 12
Moves: Mud Bomb, Water Pulse, Harden, Mud Sport
Ability: Sticky Hold or Storm Drain
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: [choose]
Gender: Female
Level: 11
Moves: Moonlight, Moonblast, Meteor Mash, Cosmic Power
Ability: Magic Guard
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Happiness: +5
Tree Topper Staryu
Name: [choose]
Gender: None
Level: 10
Attacks: Water Gun, Rapid Spin, Recover, Magic Coat
Ability: Illuminate OR Natural Cure
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Other: ZapdosZulu Christmas Event 2016
Red Nosed Deerling
Name: Garnet
Gender: Male
Level: 10
Attacks: Tackle, Camouflage, Double Kick, Natural Gift
Ability: Sap Sipper
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Other: ZapdosZulu Christmas Event 2016
Name: [choose]
Gender: Male or Female
Level: 10
Attacks: Tackle, Leer , Smokescreen, Ember
Ability: Blaze
Nature: [choose]
Name: Kenna
Gender: Female
Level: 28
OT: Joey Johnson
Attacks: Extrasensory, Will-O-Wisp, Safeguard, Flamethrower
Ability: Flash Fire
Nature/Personality: Modest
EXP: 2024 / 2437
Happiness: +0
Name: Melody
Gender: Female
Level: 5
Attacks: Pound, Growl, Psyshock, Refresh
Ability: Healer
Nature/Personality: Quiet
OT: Warren Lockwood
Name: [choose]
Gender: [Male/Female]
Level: 10
Attacks: Fake Tears, Tackle, Fairy Wind, Play Nice
Ability: Sweet Veil
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: Brio
Gender: Male
Level: 8
Moves: Peck, Growl
Ability: Keen Eye
Nature/Personality: Timid
Name: Abel
Gender: Male
Level: 5
Attacks: Pound, Growl, Bubble
Ability: Torrent
Nature/Personality: Timid
Name: Coco Chanel
Gender: Female
Level: 10
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Attacks: Sweet Scent, Fairy Wind, Sweet Kiss, Odour Sleuth
Ability: Healer
Nature/Personality: Bold
Name: Cari
Gender: Female
Level: 9
OT: Dorthea Lund
Moves: Bubble, Tail Whip, Water Sport, Water Gun
Ability: Huge Power
Nature/Personality: Adamant
Name: Luca
Gender: Male
Level: 13
Attacks: Thundershock, Spark, Air Slash, Charge
Ability: Static
Nature/Personality: Hasty
Other: ZapdosZulu Easter Event 2015
Happiness: +2
Name: Jasmine
Gender: Female
Level: 14
Attacks: Poison Powder, Sleep Powder, Leech Seed, Vine Whip
Ability: Overgrow
Nature/Personality: Gentle
Happiness: +1
Name: [choose]
Gender: [Male/Female]
Level: 1
OT: Sharada Sewell
Moves: Tackle, Water GunEM
Ability: Swift Swim
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Name: Faylinn
Level: 13
Gender: Female
Attacks: Tackle, String Shot, Gust, Absorb
Ability: Swarm
Nature/Personality: Modest
Name: Marie
Gender: Female
Level: 8
OT: Remi Westbrook
Attacks: Fake Out, Growl, Tackle, Attract
Ability: Cute Charm
Nature/Personality: Jolly
Name: Annabelle
Gender: Female
Level: 10
OT: School Boy Jimmy
Attacks: Astonish, Wrap, Growl
Ability: Levitate
Nature/Personality: Timid
Name: Breezy
Gender: Female
Level: 1
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Attacks: Absorb, Fairy Wind
Ability: Prankster
Nature/Personality: Timid
Name: Ashling
Gender: Female
Level: 5
Attacks: Tackle, Growl
Ability: Big Pecks
Nature/Personality: Naive
Name: Shea
Gender: Female
Level: 5
Attacks: Tackle, String Shot
Ability: Compoundeyes
Nature/Personality: Timid
Name: [Choose]
Gender: [Choose]
Level: 7
Attacks: Bubble, Smokescreen, Dragon Rage
Ability: Swift Swim or Sniper [Choose]
Nature/Personality: [Choose]
Cardinal Pidgey
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 10
Attacks: Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Air Cutter
Ability: Keen Eye OR Tangled Feet
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Other: ZapdosZulu Christmas Event 2016
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 10
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Scratch, Leer, Water Gun, Rage
Ability: Torrent
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Happiness: 0
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 18
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: Swift, Switcheroo, Encore, Spark
Ability: Plus
Nature/Personality: [choose]
Misdreavus Egg
Inherited Moves: Sucker PunchEM, Astonish
Inherited Ball: N/A
Status: 8000+/8,000 words
Link to all the words
Name: [choose]
Gender: [choose]
Level: 1
OT: Aphrodite Beaumont
Moves: X-Scissor, False Swipe, Leer, Quick Attack
Ability: Swarm or Technician
Nature/Personality: [choose]